Phone Sex

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Simply Jasmine has been a member since 02/12/2020

Simply Jasmine - Your Online Seductress

Well, hello there, allow me to introduce myself. I’m Jasmine.

I’ve been a phone sex operator almost my entire adult life and I’m thirty-seven years old now. I’ve been doing this for nineteen years. I’ve taken breaks here and there. Worked in different venues. I even tried my hand at vanilla careers. Life always brings me back to what I love. Playing out your fantasy with you in a venue where we are only limited by our imaginations.

I’m about authentic connections. The calls I enjoy the most are the ones where we pretend that we are the only two people left in the world and get lost in each other. I want to get to know you, what makes you tick, what really turns you on and what really drives you wild. I want to focus on that. It’s okay to tell me your dirtiest fantasies. I’ve heard them all. You can’t surprise me, shock me, or upset me. If you touch on something I’m not into I’ll let you know kindly. If that happens, either we can move on, or you can, whichever suits you best.

I have a deviant mind and a bent moral compass. I’m a sexual chameleon who is used to blending into your fantasy. I role-play exceptionally well in both written and oral form. I hold interesting intellectual conversations and enjoy the art of conversation. I’m easy to talk to and even easier to listen to.

Please take the time to check out my different listings. Each one is designed to give you a chance to get to know me and how my mind works. Each one is written to give you a peek into the things I am into and what parts of them I find the most erotic.

[ BDSM ] [ Chastity ] [ Chat Only ] [ Cocksucking ] [ Confidant ] [ Cuckolding ] [ FemDomme ]
[ Feminization ] [ Financial Domination ] [ FLR ] [ Foot Worship ] [ GFE ] [ JOI ] [ MILF ]
[ Orgasm Control ] [ Pantyhose Fetish ] [ Role-play ] [ Strap-on Play ]

What I want more than anything is for each of us to enjoy the time we spend together and the experience we have with one another. If you’re looking for that kind of connection look no further, let’s get acquainted and explore our sexual proclivities together.