Phone Sex

: Looking for the best phone sex? You've found it, here at NiteFlirt.

Hi my name is Kimmy. I am very open sexually and enjoy learning new things. I promise there is no one any where near as naughty as me on niteflirt. I love all types of phone sex. I especially love dominating sissie bois!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

My specialties include:
  1. Mutual Masturbation
  2. Role Playing, Accomplice
  3. Strap On Play
  4. Financial Domination
  5. Getting Fucked Up w/ you
  6. and recieving
  7. X-Rated Xtra Kinky
  8. CBT
  9. Sissification
  10. S&M--- giving or receiving
  11. Cuckold

Until we play...XOXO, Kimmy

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