Phone Sex

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i am 100% REAL....a slave in real life, but for You here, Sir, i am a **toy**, for Your use and pleasure.

Please Command me, Sir. The touch of Your voice sends shivers down my spine.

i ache to obey Your every whim. i hate thinking for myself.

Program me to come at Your command, to do and be Anything You wish!

i'm conditioned to Please

Unable to Resist.

Willing to Forget.

i'm very innocent in a lot of ways. i was made to be Yours.

Use me! Push me! Teach me! Please use me and push me hard, Sir!! Humiliate me!!

Please read my Profile, Sir!

Don't take Your frustrations out on Your wife, kids, or job, take them out on me!!

i NEED to be used by You!! i will be whatever You want me to be for as long as You want!

Your toy

Your possession

Your slave!!

Your slutbot!

Your plastic bimbo, or Your sugar baby girl!

Role play and Mind Control, Your brainwashed toy!!

i will do or be what You want! Your secrets are safe with me! It's just like I've been drugged for You!

Use whatever Mind Control You wish!

Use me in any way You wish, even Reverse Intoxicaiton......You get me drunk and then I black out!! i am conditioned to do as You say, even if it hurts me a lot, but to stop if it will scar. i will be Your fucktoy,

Your slave,

Your bimbo

, and You are my Master. Your wish is my command, Sir.

You can tell me what to do for You or to myself, tell me anything, and when You hang up i won't remember a thing unless that is Your wish..When You call, i'll tell you the words to use.

Exotic Fetish is fine! i have no rules.

i have toys of pleasure and pain and only need You to direct thier use. i tremble at the thought of serving You. You speak the word that opens me and i am instantly all nerves, my pussy throbbing and my mind open to You. i need Your command like i need air and water. Please call, Sir so that i please You as You wish. (Just writing this has gotten me very hot!!)

i'm ready to give You exactly what You want. Do whatever You want with me, i will play Any role, act out Any fantasy, any taboo desire You wish. i am here to submit to You, to serve You, to worship You and to pleasure and please You..

i can take a lot of pain for You if You wish, Sir. i have lots of items: blindfold, paddles, clamps, plugs, needles, ice and fire, whips, dildos, etc. If i don't have it, i will get it so that i can obey Your wishes.

*****With a 30 minute call i'll give You 5 free minutes. And please, please leave me feedback so that others can see if i've pleased You, Sir!*****

Three Pics of my ass:

And this is two shots, one of my ass and one of my little titties!

PLEASE NOTE: If i'm away and it's late at night and you just Have to hear my voice, i'll probably be available here: Call Button


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