Phone Sex

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God Bronson

JOCKS? I will make u smell my jock strap bitch boi

Start understanding that the object is HIM, not you. This is so important and beyond question the hardest step to maintain. I suggest writing it down everywhere. Some little cryptic phrase that only you will understand, but that will remind you of the truth when you need it most - in those moments when you're NOT staring at Him, or His picture, with a raging stiffy and your wallet in your mouth.

Start small, but regularly. Make the act of tribute something you do every day. Between the two of you, make it an expected ritual. Do it at the same time, wearing the designated items, and/or in the designated position. The amounts, I suggest, should be minimal at first, growing much more significant later. Allow yourself time to appreciate the pleasures of giving - slowly, quietly and ruthlessly regularly. Can you imagine how it will make Him feel, even three years ahead, when He looks back at an unbroken chain of daily tributes? Of putting Him before anything else?

If serving online, set up a webcam where He can see you making your tribute. Give Him the pleasure of watching you show your daily devotion in the manner He has chosen for you to do it. How do you think that will make you feel? How do you think that will make Him feel?


Ass Picture Set # 1

Ass Picture Set # 2

Close Up Pictures of my Cock

Standing Over Your Faggot Ass

Sitting Like a God Should

Buy them all and then call bitch boy.

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