Phone Sex

: Looking for the best phone sex? You've found it, here at NiteFlirt.

Hey Guys! My name is Cookie and I'm a talented phone sex operator. I would love to talk to you on the phone and help make your deepest fantasies a reality for a little while. My biggest turn-on is hearing men cum ,but my biggest turn-off is a guy that hangs up on me after he blows without saying goodbye or thank you so if you can't show me that common courtesy I don't want to help you cum at all! Whatever you desire I will fulfill whether it be telling you a dirty story, fantasy roleplay, or just listening to me use my toys while you stroke your hard cock, however that does not mean I want you to be silent on your end. I like talking to guys so if all you want is a quickie and no conversation please don't call me because I like getting to know my callers. I can't do that with guys that just want to hear me moan. If you want that pop in a porn because you will get quicker results that way. I do have limits and those are ageplay(Nothing under 18), incest,beastiality, brown showers, rape/murder. Call me because I would love to play with you! GUYS REALLY WHAT PART OF I LIKE TALKING AND GETTING TO KNOW GUYS DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND? BEING SILENT ON YOUR END DOES NOT INCLUDE YOU TALKING AND TELLING ME WHAT YOU WANT SO UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES DO I TAKE THESE KIND OF CALLS. THERE ARE RECORDED LISTINGS FOR GUYS THAT CAN'T TALK! PLEASE DON'T EMAIL ME AND ASK ME THAT QUESTION ANYMORE! ALSO I DO NOT DO CAM SO PLEASE DON'T ASK ME THAT ANYMORE EITHER! THANK YOU!!

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