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Experience Hot Dominant, Erotic Hypnosis with Tessa!

If you could live out your fantasies in living color without leaving the comfort of where you sit right now, would you?
If you were able to break through the barriers of your own mind that stop you from experiencing your darkest desires, would you take that chance?

Who is Tessa Fields?
I'm a certified hypnotist and clinical hypnotherapist. Niteflirt is where your fetishes meet my own. I'm dominant by nature and truly enjoy using hypnosis to bend your will for My purposes. Your hypnosis experience with Me will be a truly sensational event. Trained formally in hypnotherapy, I have a great respect for hypnosis and the power that comes with it. Together, we can unlock that part of your mind that holds true ecstasy and fulfillment.

Preparing for your call:
1. Find a quiet place with minimal distractions.
2. Be advised that everyone has a different experience with hypnosis. Please make sure to have enough time on your account to avoid interruption.
3. Hypnosis works best when based on mutual motivation. You should have a true desire to be hypnotized in order to benefit fully from the experience.
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