Phone Sex

: Looking for the best phone sex? You've found it, here at NiteFlirt.


How exciting would a trip to the glory hole be!??

you KNOW there's a cock there, but you have no idea
who is behind the wall ~ sometimes it's rock hard all ready
and you can begin your seduction, sometimes it's a little bit
softer and you'll need to make it ROCK HARD ~ are you up
for it?? I think you are! I'll take you to the bookstore, rest
area, peep show, wherever there might be a glory hole! I'll
walk you through to the room, and supervise your cocksucking.
Did you know that you can also back your ass up to the hole?

I've taken my share of guys out for cock, and the glory
hole is the perfect, anonymous, secret place to get cock,
or start on a new adventure into cocksucking! Do you want
to go!? Call me, I know you'll have a delightful time *wink*




I have some very nice pix for sale below, get one or get them all!


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20 pics of me with bbc!
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