Phone Sex

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The BIG 10.3 INCH

The Morning Stroke "This Morning" September 16, 2024

Good Morning again. Just a short follow up on THE MORNING STROKE. We could do a Morning Stroke Theme. Stroke in The Morning thinking about the next best THING THEME. How much would "You" and "I" be worth if you were THE TRIGGER and The Cataylst to "Launching a SOUND" out of The BOWELS of Phone Sex? This has never been done before HOWEVER I say, "Why Not?" 

So if you're in THE MOOD for a Morning Stroke and just randomly calling around LOOKING for THAT CHARGE and The REAL Escape think about this. Me quietly and secretly watching the COUNTRY slowly crumble and brain washed zombies everywhere with no hope in sight. THEN something happens. 

YOU and I somehow launch the 20 PLUS RIFFS and Hypnotic SOUND out of the bowels of phone sex. 

Think this over when you wake up horny and the sub liminal desires that have been repressed start to EMERGE. 

Below is a video recorded this weekend. The SOUND needs to be tweeked with TONE however there is NOBODY that has assisted me to get this far. A HOT STORY emerging out of the bowels of phone sex. 

The question should be raised. "Why you at this time?" Why us in a DEEP CONNECTION? What drives us together if anything? 

The PIG TAT was specifically choosen and inked in when starting FETISH ROCK and THE COCK is The ORIGINAL COCK SUCKER Photo taken in a MOTEL in Myrtle Beach. 

The CITY is going FULL BLOWN Arts and Entertainment and at the stage of putting in NEW SEWERS and Ripping up Roads. Which means there is TIME to kick off FETISH ROCK with MY COCK and Your (....................._). 

The CONTRACT is yours to create. CHECK out INSIDE MY DUNGEON. 

Stroke Stroke Stroke....

THE DUNGEON 9/15/2024

If you Think "You're" Fucking Me, you're not
Dungeon Video

Who Escapes The Matrix With The Master

The Next Level Of Fetish Rock

It's a Trap. 

You're In It. 


When a FAGGOT Wants BALLS .99
Fags Wake Up Call The Aquarius Motel The Original "Sounds Bad" Fake Them Out Video


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