Phone Sex

: Looking for the best phone sex? You've found it, here at NiteFlirt.


I need to ask you something.
CLICK HERE to find out what that question is
or just to hear my voice.

I took a new picture of myself on my cell phone.

I keep reminiscing about the old days.
OUR time.

I would rather that you didn't play all alone in your room.

I found the old pictures of me you used to hide under your mattress.
I'm also missing some of my panties too. Do you know where they could be?
Now sweetie, what we do is between us.
I'm not mad but you cannot tell a soul.

I made a few movie clips for you with the toy you sent me. You are my pride and joy.
Thanks for the gifty. I so appreciate it.

Let me know if you have any trouble getting it know what I mean.
Your friends keep coming around wanting their pants adjusted again. I just want to adjust yours baby.
I know that they will be tighter once you watch me play.

I know that you wanted some current pics of me in my lingerie
and me doing things to myself.
Here they are....3 great ones for $3.00.


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