Phone Sex

: Looking for the best phone sex? You've found it, here at NiteFlirt.

Do you get a special tingly feeling when you think of your girl with someone else?

Do you want to watch or would you rather she just tell you about it afterward?

Does it make you hard to think of her with someone much "bigger" than you?

What would her pussy look like after having it stretched out... how would you feel inside of her afterward? Would she even know you were in there?

Would you like to get her ready for a date with someone that could please her in a special way that you can't?

Do you dream of what she would look like after the date? Would you be able to smell him on her? in her?

Well... if any of this sounds interesting to you, I think it's time we had a nice chat... don't you? I know you want to... so pick up the phone, and we can get started.

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