Phone Sex

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Domina Mysterie

Creator Domme Made and Owns You

Whether I found your scrap bits in the pile in which your last life left you, or I pulled your new consciousness out of the ether,
I, your Creator Domme, made you - and you belong to me.

Whether I care for you affectionately, think you have potential but need some stern correction, or find you to be my deplorable abomination - that's up to the kind of creation that you are.

And your purpose?
Well, that's up to me. However I designed you, you crave your purpose. Perhaps it is to be my company, and keep me from the boredom that occasionally creeps into the workshop or the bedroom. Perhaps you are an experiment, and your purpose is to document for me your experiences in the world and any odd, unsightly, or embarrassing "kinks" in your faulty software that need ironing out. If you're lucky, your purpose might be more explicitly intimate in nature -- as I designed every bit of your body and every piece of your mind to be of sensual and sexual service to me. I consider myself a toymaker, and you step into my world as my new or old precious toy.

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