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Finger Fucked by Rage

Wife Pissing You Off? Rage Boner Line.

The rage building in you isn't healthy. Jerk your dick and rage into the void all of the things you want to say to your wife but can't. I'd rather you have a place to do it then end up doing it in front of those who don't need to hear, or see that. Be better for them and argue it out with me. Let me be the one to call you a limp dick Loser when you are mad. Click on my profile to see my other listings and what be a better flavor for you if you are a lonely loser fuck that clicked on this and costed me money when you know your ass isn’t even fucking anyone, let alone married. But do call if you need to rage out. That is acceptable. In the chance that some of you apply to the below I have left them here for your curious clicking pleasure. Pay the fucking dollar cheapo.

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