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Mystical Goddess Ladyhawk

Hypnosis Therapist Good-boy Training Fetish Kink

The Mystical Goddess Ladyhawk

The Goddess Ladyhawk will penetrate the depths of your soul, she is profoundly intuitive and will take the time to look deep inside you and find the heart of who you are, or the fantasy you want to experience.

The Mystical Goddess is a real certified hypnotist, a cognitive behavior therapist coach, and never submissive. She welcomes most fetishes and specializes in mind bending language, NLP, brainwashing, hypnosis, mind control, The Divine Feminine, ASMR and most fetishes and kinks are welcome.

With Hypnosis readings it requires building a rapport, trust and an intention. Follow the Instructions of the Goddess Ladyhawk and go deeper than ever into a mindless, thoughtless trance and experience your fantasy as if it's actually happening inside your mind.

What you may experience in a session with The Mystical Goddess Ladyhawk

Altered states of Consciousness
Multi Layered Deepeners
Hypnotic Triggers
Post Hypnotic Triggers
Reveling in Submissive Bliss
Dominant Goddess
Urgent Need to be a Good-boy
Mind Control
Covert Indirect Hypnosis
Addicted to Trance

Healing Sleep Therapy -

The deepest state of hypnosis with rapid eye movement (REM) dream sleep, the most suggestable state and you may not remember your time in trance unless post hypnotically triggered

Elements of The Mystical Goddess Ladyhawk

Quantum Physics
Totem spirit guide
The Divine Feminine
Chakra breathing
Powerful Goddess
Dimensions in Time

Go "Deeper Down" in Trance Floating in a Sea of Mindless Submissive Bliss

Real Certified Solution Based Hypnotherapist, Real Certified Cognitive Behavioral Therapist Coach

Initially you will relax sharing a conversation and building a rapport as an intention is decided for the trance. The Goddess Ladyhawk will begin to take control of your mind, emptying all your thoughts in the deepest state of relaxation until your mind is a blank canvas ready for her to paint your fantasy, or imprint your future on your mind

Are you ready to be a good-boy for the Mystical Goddess and have Her take control of your mind?

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