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Mistress Perfect Storm

Erotic Ecclectic Electric: PhD.+HypnoTherapy


PhD. Certified HypnoTherapist
users of 'nf nock offs' Often Can't Recognize Genuine.
Be Clear - the jack-offs- are Disconnected In Seconds.
The Perfect Storm Is Created when Two, or more, Pure Acts of Nature Merge. I Was Born, Formed, AM, An Alpha: Let Go and Free Flow to Receive My Energy. Within every Beta Is an ever pressing Need to Merge with an Alpha. Sadly Most Beta Males Are In Survival Mode; Hiding 24/7 masked by employing false personas To Survive work, family, and societal expectation. I Desire only Those Brave Enough Expose True Self Who Dare Feel Real: Exploring True Self no persona, no mask; Embracing all longings, all cravings, and The Willing and Able to push through fear based boundaries. Honesty. . .Non-Negotiable. Some seek 'harsh', while others kind; No "one style fits all' beta or alpha mind. In My life as PhD. I daily meet the Needs of Many. Here, I Am Known To Indulge In My Own. I Adore a Devout Pussycat Pleaser, Find a Cuck Craver, Cross Dresser, and The Cock Curious Delightful. I was not born with a "table of contents" thus no list.
No Scripts In Any Engulf Streaming Erotic Hypnosis: I Am An Experience.

My Vocals Hypnotic: Second to none. Supplicant: Address Me "Dr./MistresStorm". As I Speak Softly: My Tribe Carry A Big 'Stick'. . .My Authentic Alpha winds rush in intense pleasures, yet, far more crucial, My Alpha wind calls forth order and calm to an often anxious, chaotic, stress full beta mind. Pure beta's are simply lost when not fully merging with Alpha. My beta will instinctively feel the best and the safest place to be is merged within Me. Those feeling lost are found in the very eye of Our Fiercely Perfect Storm. I May Select Few Neglected Alpha'Seeking Rapture: Chosen Alpha Is Taken, often his first time, and Raptured Into A New Release: IF Invited Too Walk Through My Door; Explore, Discover, Not Only Me but the Oh So Sexy Beta Side of You.

I Am

the source from which you thrive

as wild howls for his moon.

I Am

the soft voice guiding you through the mist

urging you onward.

I Am

your next thought

your present need

the answer to what you've yet to ask.

I Am

the steady in your step

towards this haven you have longed to enter.

I Am

The One who will accept you

as you are to
bring you forth in color shine

radiate life in a dull existence.

I Am

The Mistress you plead

to please

And as you call to Me

l Reign.



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