Phone Sex

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Miss Finch
Click to download a voice sample for free!
View all my listings on my profile Check out all my Goodies Send a tribute
About You

You've been searching for something your whole life, feeling empty and lost, but you're not sure what. You've tried to fill the void with all sorts of vices. Booze, porn, money, sex. Yet you still feel empty, unfulfilled. You're still seeking that something that will make you feel whole, give you a purpose. You want a purpose, a reason for existing.

With my guidance you can finally find your place in this world, and that place is with me. You belong at my feet, gazing up adoringly at a true Goddess. A being beyond your comprehension who deserves and demands your worship, love, and devotion. You'll fall in love with my perfection, my softness, and of course my perfect tits and ass. Soon you'll find yourself craving my attention, seeking me out all hours of the day. Every unoccupied moment will drive you to me, desperate for more of what only I can give you. I will become your light, your salvation. Your everything. One day you will wake up and realize you've been completely reshaped and reprogrammed into something that exists only for me, and you will finally be happy.

About Me

I'm a smooth voiced vixen in her 30s who will make you weak in the knees and wallet. I've taken over many minds in my time as a HypnoDomme.

I enjoy submissive men who are open to suggestion, free with their wallets, and above all respectful. In my time as a Domme I've recreated myself a few times, as even a perfect being like myself can grow to know themselves better over time. Life is always changing and so am I, I hate stagnation and sameness. You will find some older clips of mine in my Goodies, but while my style and name may have changed over the years my essence stays the same; dominant and commanding while also soothing and sensual. I can be cruel at times and gentle at others. Nurturing but stern. You've found what you've been missing in me and my guidance.


Rules for Skype shows:
You must message me either via the NF chat or through NF email (with an appropriate tribute) to set up a Skype cam session. Emails without tributes will be ignored. This is a good rule to follow for all of your attempts to contact me, I will always prioritize those who understand my time is precious and limited. The chat feature is excellent for discussing a show you would like and you will likely get a faster answer from me that way.
You must also purchase my Skype ID for $4.99, I will not hand it out for free.
Do not attempt to contact me on Skype unless we are about to do a show. Even if we've had one before, you must set up any and all Skype cam shows with me via NF chat or message.

Rules for phone sessions:
You don't have to message me first before a non-cam phone session, but it is recommended. Once again emails without tribute will be ignored.
If you do message me about a show be ready to call right away, I do not reserve time if you want to talk later. Be ready to go or wait until you are ready before contacting me at all. You are, however, welcome to chat with me via the NF chat any time I'm available but I will always prioritize calls over chat. There may be times I dissappear in the middle of chatting to take a call or do a Skype session. My undivided attention is for those who are paying well.

General Rules:
Always be respectful. If our interests don't align that's OK, there are lots of women on this site and chances are you will find the right one for you. Any attempts to pressure or persuade me into doing something I'm not interested in will result in a permanent block.
Know that I will never engage in race play or racial humiliation unless you are a white man who needs to be put in his place. Avoid using racist or racially charged language with me if you want to stay in my good graces (looking at you cucks who love BBC)

Purchase my Skype ID Some of My Favorite Goodies Trapped by Guided Meditation Mindfucked by Big Tits Brainwashed by Big Tits

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