Phone Sex

: Looking for the best phone sex? You've found it, here at NiteFlirt.

Some women are dominant, and some dominant women have a specialty. My specialty is feminization. The Art of Transformation.
Did you just discover your erotic feminine side or has it been bubbling under the surface for a long, long time? It doesn't matter. Mistress is here to help you walk that walk like you really mean it!
Every sissy has a look that is perfect! Feminine and humiliating in all the right ways! You need the right mistress who is dedicated to your journey to take control of your transformation!
Every sissy is a humiliated sissy. It's just your role, your destiny. You are a perfect cuckold, and you probably have a small penis. But no matter, as a sissy, you can still become the pet of a beautiful woman.
And when that special night out finally comes, you will be ready and able to perform like the well trained slut you are. There won't be anything my girl won't do for erotic pleasure! All limits have been overcome, all hesitations have been banished!
And there SHE IS all ready to GO! And there SHE IS all ready to GO! And there SHE IS all ready to GO! And there SHE IS all ready to GO! And there SHE IS all ready to GO!
Of course, there are always last minute touch ups to increase your perfection. Being a sissy is a lot of work, and if you are lucky, you become extreme, even an utlra sissy.
An ultra has no life beyond sissyhood, and why would she want one? Sissyhood is the perfect playground where her sissy clit is always happy!
Or you may find yourself as a bad bottom bitch sissy in a never ending orgy of cum lust days and nights. Do you really care? Of course not, your sissy stick is leading the way!
. . . not to mention the massive chest I will insist on because I like a big breasted bimbo as much as anyone else! Don't forget the big titties because I won't!
XXXOOO Call Today and Let's start having fun!

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