Phone Sex

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Background Sound Control

Doctor Sadie

Listen to my voice.

My name is Sadie. I am an educated, highly sexual young woman, who has helped many clients with their personal issues.

I combine my expertise in sexual brain response with my own sexual kinks, which form a powerful combination on those to whom I direct my attention. I am well versed in multiple brain training techniques.

Enhanced Masturbatory Response (EMR)
Neuronic Vibratory Stimulation (NVS)
PsychoSexual Erectile Response (PER)
PsychoStimulatory Cock Response (PCR)
PsychoStimulatory Brain Response (PBR)
PsychoSexual Masturbatory Cock Response (PMCR)
PsychoSexual Manipulative Cock Control (PMCC)
Masturbatory Brain Response (MBR)
Masturbatory Mind Wallet Linkage (MMWL)
PseudoSadistic Brain Therapy (PBT)
PseudoSadistic Mental Manipulation (PMM)
PseudoSadistic Mind Fuckery (PMF)

Your brain is my playground.

My vibrations will pulsate through your brain, causing your neurons to resonate at a higher frequency.

As my words and vibrations trickle into your mind, you will become fixated and entranced.

My energy will infuse your brain.

Neurotransmitter activity will be accelerated.

This will impact your cerebral cortex, stimulating neurotransmitter activity, creating a chain reaction in your brain, leading to intense pleasure.

Manipulation will ensue.

Transformation will begin.

You may begin to suffer withdrawal if you discontinue treatment abrubtly.

You will begin craving these treatments. I will lead you through more advanced levels of therapy, and you will have the most intense erotic experiences of your life.

I am Doctor Sadie.

Let's get started with your therapy.

 Other Therapies Offered

(Click topics below for Audio Samples)

Femdom Therapy

Little Penis Therapy

Cock Sucking Therapy

Feminization / Sissification Therapy

Financial Domination Therapy

Confession Therapy

Exposure Therapy

Addiction Therapy

Cognitive Loser Therapy

Verbal Humiliation Therapy

Orgasm Denial / Orgasm Control Therapy

Role Playing Therapy

Girlfriend Experience Therapy

Relationship Counseling

Doctor Sadie

 I am awaiting your call.


Office Hours are Eastern Time

Tuesday - Saturday 9:30 AM -  1:30 PM
Tuesday - Saturday 9:30 PM - 12:30 AM

Also Available by Appointment
On occasion, the office may be closed during usual
office hours. If treatment is sought during these times,
please contact me.

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Doctor Sadie's
CoPay Protocol

Listen to me explain the CoPay Protocol.

Send your CoPay
to receive extra attention,
and specialized treatment.




Click below for
Doctor Sadie's
Research Project




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