Phone Sex

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Young Cashmaster from Paris, France.
Are you ready to accept who you are? I can help you.
I know it's not easy to be a good cashfag. But together, I promise, we can make it!
Believe in yourself. Send your money.

All new Amazon wishlist!!! (2020):
All new!!! (2020) You thought you managed to quit once and for all. And still... You can't help thinking about sending your cash. Maybe that's because you're a cashfag. To be sure, try the RELAPSE program here:

CASHRAPE TRAINING You've always wanted to be cashraped but were too scared to actually go for it? Don't worry, all you need is training. Click this button and we'll work on it together, slowly, and in no time you'll become a spectacular cashfag. Promise. Beginners welcome.

Because you demanded it, here it is: the long awaited CASHRAPE TRAINING - ROUND 2!!!Be sure to finish the first training before starting this one. If that’s the case, well good luck! I have no doubt you’ll be stupid enough to go through it. Don’t disappoint me.

Finished Round 1 and 2 already? Not bad, fag! But before you start bragging, let’s see if you’re as comfortable with ROUND 3! Be careful, this one is not for beginners!

WORSHIP MY COCK Are you a cock addict? Do you love cock more than anything? Do you like to suck and get fucked for hours? Try this, you'll love it!

CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE! This is a multiple choice story that will get you hard. YOU are the hero. YOU choose your way through misery. YOU are the one who gets cashraped. Are you ready for the big adventure? You’ll have so much fun!

Video: Watch Me jerk my FUCKING COCK!

Video: Jerking off and CUMMING!!!

You're an UNDERWEAR ADDICT? This one is definitely for you.

Set of 5 FUCKING PICS of Me!

5 close up pics of MY HUGE COCK!


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