Phone Sex

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Energy wants to move. And you need to feel. And you know where you've been stuck... If you've gotten mixed up in a bunch of shit and you're confused or blocked; you need a jump start, a reckoning, a detox. More sensation, lighter body experience solves the distress. It is a sign that this listing resonates with you. You want answers. You are programmed to serve. Your sub conscious holds the keys. While you read, you feel the energy beginning to affect you. You want relief. You need soothing. Here, I shift and balance your energy system using a powerful and sensitive energy. I connect with you and melt away any unwanted, heavy or stuck energies from your natural energy structure. This balances the components of your body and your life. This feels incredible and revitalizing. Anything that you are ready to eradicate from your system is dissolved from you at my will. With your consent, I will personally drain your chakras, channels and physical form of energy as I wish. This is an extremely delicate and sensual domination experience. It makes space in you for the new vibration you need to be what I want. Powerfully connected to me. Bonded. It can cause deep arousal, thought cleansing, brain washing, illuminating, healing of mind and body, health, psychedelic, clairvoyant, beautiful brainwashing, miracle, faith healing, solve problems, body healing, evolution, energy healing, body drain, wallet drain, mind drain, clear your head, get your answers, use the laws of nature and the universe. BE WITH ME. Femdom, trance, hypnotic, magick, psychological, therapeutic, cuckold, exhibition,expression, devotion, bliss, intoxication, strength, force, seniority, authority, control, restraint, discipline, meditation, spiritual healing, mindfuck, deprogramming, growth, degradation,sissy, feminize, emotional healing, punishment, new purpose

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