Phone Sex

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Did you just have an Argument with your wife about her cheating on you? Are you PO about having a less then average penis? I would like to help you with some solutions to rectify the Situation with her .. I can show you how to be happy in your current situation. I know exactly how you feel, because my husband felt the same way, Do you Realize what a pathetic loser you are? But we found that this works best!!! My Hubby penis is2' so how small is yours loser? My hubby wears my panties and dresses like a sissy. do u? Why do you feel like a loser? I am going to be the worst bitch you ever met and tell you to do degrading things!! You won't like it and then u will beg me to do it again!!. Tributes are welcomed For Every loser that calls me for one minute will be blocked!! Top Performer Bronze Awarded 9 times. NiteFlirt Select Awarded for 2 years of uninterrupted service.

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