Phone Sex

: Looking for the best phone sex? You've found it, here at NiteFlirt.

I am petite. 5'0" tall, 100 pounds of energy, enthusiasm and evil imagination! I relish in the fact that you are weak and beneath Me. I will walk all over you, literally and figuratively. I love to make the bitch boys beg. I am NOT a nice girl. If you bore Me or annoy Me, I will hang up

I love using your weaknesses against you! My style is snotty, snobby, and playful. I'm a bitchy young brat and a total tease Princess. I'm not here to cater to you - there are plenty of "bargain bitches" on NiteFlirt who will cater to your sensitive ego. It's your job to keep Me happy, if you fail - I bail. I love to laugh, taunt, tease and point out your weaknesses and short-comings!

I live to be worshiped, pampered, adored and treated like the wicked little Princess I am!

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