Phone Sex

: Looking for the best phone sex? You've found it, here at NiteFlirt.

Ext: 10701183

My name is Diamond Vixen.
I am a tall, mature, green eyed lady who is bisexual and very kinky.
I'd love it if you would share your fantasies and stories with me.
What fun we would have together!

I am always hungry...I have Insatiable Desires
Role-play, domination and submission, bondage, spanking,
is always a bit decadent and sizzling hot!
Fetishes make the world go round. Isn't it time for your world to orbit?

50 shades of gray is pale to what I have experienced...
Are you ready to up the antics to 60 shades of gray?

Do you need an experienced hot sensual lady to take over and be in charge?
To takes you places you could never have imagined?

Do you want a mature woman concentrating on arousing and pleasing you?

Do you desire a sensually erotic mutual climaxing experience?
Let's journey together to our own erotic oasis!

Call me now and the fun will begin!

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While quickies are wonderful and do serve a purpose…..Conversation is great too!
I am more than a great set of boobs and a Marilyn Monroe Ass…..
Highly intelligent and I adore Interesting conversation!

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