Phone Sex

: Looking for the best phone sex? You've found it, here at NiteFlirt.

Are you ready to embrace what you know you REALLY desire? Are you man enough to accept that this is something that you can't escape— that this is something you can’t control? You might try to stay away but every time you promise yourself you’ll never do this again, you find yourself back here gooning and obsessing over manipulative Dominant Women like Me… and you do it again, and again, and again. When will you give in to the reality that this is a cycle you will never break free from?

By now you realize that the more you try and fight your urges, the more they continue to take over your thoughts. I don't really care if you love or hate the way you're drawn to me... it doesn't matter... you're fixated on Me either way. So get down on your knees and beg to be useful like the horny, submissive little bitch you are.

Can’t quite work up the nerve to call? Figures. Send Me a chat message… surely there can’t be any harm in that right? ;)


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