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beartrancer has been a member since 03/14/2003

IMAGINE YOURSELF IN A PLACE WHERE CONTROL AND SUBMISSION ARE NO LONGER THE QUESTIONS, BUT THE ANSWERS... finally letting go of the innerbattles to be the anything, other than one who belongs, wholly and completely... to the mind of another. A place where there is no fantasy, for fantasy is now reality... feel the warmth of reality as it covers you like a blanket and fills your chest with the pride of LIVING the fantasy that once was so important to your life. Join me now in my mind.

I am an erotic hypnotist. I use my abilities in hypnosis to help unlock a mind that isn’t at its full capacity. It could be to remove the roadblocks that limit one's performance (such as gag reflex, inability to maintain erections, making "hard limits" more flexible, more complete submission, slavetraining, etc) OR exploring one's ultimate fantasy in their mind, or any combination of these. By opening the mind, the body is better able to perform. The subject is gently "induced" (lead into a trance-like state, where the mind is more receptive of new ideas). After the subject is relaxed and responsive, new ideas are implanted in the subconscious and tested. Further "suggestions" may be implanted at this most opportune time, before the subject is brought back to full awareness. While some desire only one session, results are often multiplied with follow-up sessions or other forms of reinforcement (such as mind-training cds, etc). Others will just add sessions to either add new topics or just for the pure relaxation and/or fun of the session.

The human mind is a truly amazing thing. While it can enable you to do great things, it can also PREVENT you from reaching your fullest potential. Imprinted in your mind (some say before your birth) is your destiny. Parents, teachers, clergy and peers often place roadblocks that prevent you from attaining your true potential. BEARTRANCER has over 30 years experience helping people find their innerselves and the gifts and talents they were born with, but have since been blocked. It is time to unlock those inner feelings NOW!


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