Phone Sex

: Looking for the best phone sex? You've found it, here at NiteFlirt.

I am not the Darkness. I am not the Light. I am the Waters in between.

Deep, yearning, longing, desires so strong that DESIRE transforms into NEED. An endless, unquenchable, unspeakable and relentless search for expression. Thoughts that take shape, mold and form within your brain and within your SOUL; pressing down, & pressing forward into your awareness from the very deepest part of your subconscious, creating a continual flow and stream of DESIRE.

Like a Rapture of the Soul does DESIRE impact you. It comes on suddenly and strong. Often out of control, I can help you command them. Making them into helpful tools in bringing forth PLEASURE.

I am here for you; here to guide you through the darkest corridors of your mind. To help you make sense of the existence and essence of DESIRE. For all the times you've felt like a misfit, an outcast; on the outside looking inward.

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