Phone Sex

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Escape the monotony of everyday life and allow Me to take you on a trip that will be Wilde. I AM THE KEY; opening every door that leads to your erotic fantasies.

Just when you thought it was safe to run free with your ass fantasies, you come across Me and My phat ass. you slowly and cautiously approach My lovely ass not knowing what to expect and as you approach it, like a predator stalking his prey, I unexpectedly make My ass wiggle. This catches you off guard and causes you to get all flustered at the site of My luscious, hot ass flesh in motion. Sensing your presence I bend over and point to the space beneath My ass and alluringly say "this is where you belong". In this moment, you drop to your knees because you are totally entranced by My ass.

you have unwittingly become My prey as you drop to your knees with that lovely ass of Mine towering before you. you have now crossed over from the realm of fantasy and into ass reality. My round, thick, soft, plush ass teases you and then is placed upon your face and it all goes asstastic from there...Will you get to lick it? Will you get to stick it? Will you get to taste it? Will you get to smell it? One thing is for certain you will be smothered by My ass and after that, the rest are just minor details. you are destined to become intoxicated by My ass; the taste, aroma and site of My ass is bond to cause every fiber in your body to thirst for Me. So, drink up because as you can see, I have plenty of ass to quench that thirst.


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